This research discusses the experiences of a diverse set of international providers of English language teacher education (ELTE) as they adapted to COVID–19 and shifted their operations online.
The aim of this report is to examine the experiences of providers of face–to–face English language teacher education (ELTE) as they adapted to COVID–19 and shifted their operations online. The theoretical background for the study is first briefly outlined, followed by a description of its objectives and methodology. The core of the report consists of nine narratives of how ELTE providers in different countries responded to COVID–19 The narratives are followed by a review of the key themes that they highlight and the report ends with some reflections on the implications of the study for ELTE.
About the Author:
Simon Borg has been involved in language teaching and teacher education for over 30 years. He specialises in the design, implementation and evaluation of professional development programmes and policies and has completed assignments related to English language teacher education in over 20 countries. Details of his work and his blog are available at http://simon–